Autumn Wave 2% Cashback with Evergreen!

Evergreen Capital expansion plans bring investors returns of up to 13.75% + 2%

As we already informed, since our Loan Originator Evergreen Capital sees a growing demand for alternative financing options in the Estonian market, the company is raising 500,000 euros with up to 13.75% interest through Debitum.

Five ABS programs with attractive interest rates from 12.75 to 13.75% p.a. have been launched and are available for investors.

In addition, a 2-week Cashback campaign has been launched since the 17th of October.

About the Autumn Wave 2% Cashback campaign:

  • Cashback bonus will be applied for all new investments in Evergreen Capital assets,
  • Period: from the 17th of October to the 31st of October (including) 2023,
  • The amount of Cashback – 2%,
  • Cashback payout – once a week.

Investments in productive loans

“In 10 years of operations, we have developed our own customer base where the majority of clients are regular ones. We are quite conservative when choosing clients and issuing loans, and it is important for us that every loan in our portfolio is productive. “Productive loan” means – the loans go to companies with real business cases and plans behind the additional funding. It has resulted in Evergreen Capital being profitable since the first year of operations” said Evergreen Capital co-founder Kristjan Tolmats.

Evergreen Capital audited annual report 2022 you can find here.

Have a safe and profitable investing with Debitum and Evergreen Capital.

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