Christmas lottery together with Triple Dragon

Our A+ rated Loan Originator, company Triple Dragon organizes the traditional Christmas lottery and thus invites everyone to start preparing for the celebration. As Triple Dragon is a game developers’ financing company, for Debitum investors company has arranged appropriate Christmas gifts – three Nintendo Switch gaming consoles.

How to participate?

Everyone who will invest in any Triple Dragon assets starting from the 1st of November till the 2nd of December (including) will automatically participate in the lottery. Christmas prize winners will be announced on the 7th of December. Needless to say, we will take care of the issues related to shipping Christmas presents to the recipients.

Playing games is a relaxing and at the same time energizing activity for all ages. We can play backyard games, table games in the living room, and computer games wherever we are. I encourage you to find time for different kinds of games – with children, family, and friends – if not every day, then at least every week. This is the great source of joy” reflects Pieter van der Pijl, Triple Dragon co-founder.

In addition, Triple Dragon has launched yet another ABS with a high 11.50% p.a. interest rate. Therefore, currently, there are 7 Triple Dragon ABS programs available for investors. With different terms and income rates. Choose your preferred conditions and invest.

ABS information

  •     Total amount – 380 000 EUR
  •     Skin in the game – 10 %
  •     Available for investments – 342 000 EUR
  •     Term – 36 months
  •     Interest rate – 11.50 % p.a.
  •     Penalty fee (in case of late repayment) – 15 % p.a. (total 26.50% p.a.)
  •     Type – SME / gaming and advertising industry
  •     Trust score – A+
  •     Location – United Kingdom
  •     Collateral – accrued game developer receivables. Overcollateralized with accruing future revenues from blue-chip gaming, advertisement companies, and governmental institutions

About LO company:

  •     Company name – Triple Dragon Ltd
  •     Reg no. – 10521765
  •     Reg date – 12 December 2016
  •     Legal address – 86-90 Paul Street, London, England, EC2A 4NE
  •     Board members:
    •     LORD BROOKE, Charles Fulke Chester
    •     VAN DER PIJL, Petrus Cornelis Johannes
    •     VAN LEDE, Diederik

We wish you secure and profitable investing with Triple Dragon and Debitum, and don’t forget to play games.

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