Debitum Autumn Wave accelerates the pace!

Short terms. Special rates. Solid collaterals. Trusted Loan Originators. It is Debitum Autumn Wave.

Following Debitum Autumn Wave campaign best traditions we have added six (6) new Triple Dragon ABS programs and one (1) Sandbox Funding ABS program (from eco-house construction company BONO House).

Our “A+ scored” Loan Originator – Triple Dragon offers ABS programs:

  • 103 000 euros with 11 % p.a. interest rate and 3.5 months term
  • 103 000 euros with 11 % p.a. interest rate and 3.5 months term
  • 103 000 euros with 11 % p.a. interest rate and 3.5 months term
  • 106 000 euros with 11.25 % p.a. interest rate and 5.5 months term
  • 101 000 euros with 11.50 % p.a. interest rate and 7 months term
  • 104 000 euros with 11.50 % p.a. interest rate and 9 months term

It’s worth to keep in mind that 3 ABS programs from Triple Dragon in the first days of Autumn Wave campaign were sold out in 24 hours. Don’t miss the opportunity.

Another “ABS wave” comes from Sandbox Funding and its “B+ scored” Loan Originator – BONO House. BONO House is eco-house construction and real estate development company, the subsidiary of BONO Group (more about BONO Group you can find in our blog article “Eco-house building project – available”. Click here to read more.

Their latest ABS program (backed by real estate project in Jūrmala, Latvia) offers:

  • 150 000 euros with 13 % p.a. interest rate and 9 months term. ABS program LTV – 80%.

The addition of the new assets has led to wide range of investment option variety. In total 21 ABS program with 91 business loan from eco-house constructions, gaming, SME financing, forestry and agriculture are available on Debitum.

Nevertheless, ABS programs represent different Loan Originators and industries, they all are backed by solid collaterals (commercial pledges, land, real estate, future accrued revenues from well-known international companies).

End your week at the high rate!

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