Debitum December statistics and accomplished

  • After several months of development, Auto Invest functionality was launched. The statistics and user insights for the first month show that investors appreciate the convenience and features of the new functionality
  • 5% p.a. Cashback together with Sandbox Funding highlighted the end of Year 2023
  • 3 investors won a Nintendo Switch from Triple Dragon as part of the Xmas lottery.
Performance indicators

The number of assets available to investors continued to grow and reached 42 ABSs

Total assets in the platform

Average interest rate

The average rate of return maintained a high above 12% p.a. mark.


All-time platform XIRR (calculated from 99.9% of all investors) reached highest rate in last 2 years of Debitum operations

Monthly repayments

In December 5 ABS programs were finished. Principal and interest payments –  860 000 Euros.

The total principal repaid to investors on the 31st of December exceeded 66 million Euros.

Registered investors

Debitum investor community increased by more than 300 new members.

Money deposited

New funds inflow into the platform continued to increase and exceeded 20 million Euros threshold.

Total money invested

The proportion of investments allocated to LOs assets

* Debitum reminds – your earnings may be higher or lower than expected. Investing puts your capital at risk. Any indicated return does not guarantee the same future performance.

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