Debitum share capital – increased!

SIA DN Operator, the owner of Debitum platform, has executed a capital infusion, effectively augmenting the company’s share capital to an aggregate of 750,000 euros. The increase in share capital was officially registered in the Latvian Enterprise Register on the 29th of September, 2023.

“The capital increase is one of the first steps in the platform’s development strategy under its new ownership. Increased share capital, in accordance with regulatory enactments, will allow us to fully utilize the opportunities of the Investment Service Provider license issued by the Bank of Latvia. For example, we will be able to develop and offer Secondary Market services to investors on the platform,” capital increase comments Debitum CEO, Henrijs Jansons

We remind that in September 2023, the Bank of Latvia gave final approval of the transaction, within the framework of which the current CEO of the platform, Henrijs Jansons, as well as two experienced professionals in the financial industry – Ēriks Reņģītis and Ingus Salmiņš – have become the owners of the Debitum platform.

About changes in ownership structure read more here.

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