New investor registration process – improved

At Debitum, we are committed to providing our investors with a seamless and user-friendly platform for their investment journey.

As more and more new investors are joining Debitum community, we have updated the platform registration process. The aim -> to simplify it.

Two major issues are improved – shortened registration process and implemented ID verification automation.

Shortened registration process

We have made changes to the mandatory verifications required before investors can deposit and invest on Debitum platform.

Previously, completing the Investment Knowledge Questionnaire (IKQ) was a mandatory step. However, now new investors need to complete the ID and KYC (Know Your Customer) verifications. It means – the time to first investment is significantly shorter.

Live ID Verification experience with Ondato

The second user-convenience improvement is Live ID Verification implementation. This integration eliminates the investor’s need to upload photos of their ID and a selfie manually.

Instead, our partner company Ondato (with global experience and operations in more than 190 countries) automates the ID verification process, providing a seamless and secure experience for our investors.

This enhancement not only simplifies ID verification but also ensures a more efficient onboarding process, allowing investors to get started on Debitum with minimal hassle.

“Another milestone in 2024 is completed. The first days of the new registration process reveal that investors spend significantly less time and effort to complete registration and start investing sooner. We have a couple more great ideas in our pocket how to make life easier for investors when signing up. These ideas implementation is one of the next milestones will be accomplished,” improvements comments Debitum CEO, Henrijs Jansons.

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